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Change link targets in section 2.3 (Container blocks and leaf blocks) to fix links to Container blocks and Leaf blocks.
- 1,777 commits
CommonMark is a rationalized version of Markdown syntax, with a spec and BSD-licensed reference implementations in C and JavaScript.
Try it now!
For more details, see socket5客户端破解版.
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The reference implementations live in separate repositories:
- (C)
- (JavaScript)
There is a list of third-party libraries in a dozen different languages here.
The spec contains over 500 embedded examples which serve as conformance
tests. To run the tests using an executable socket5客户端破解版
python3 test/ --program $PROG
If you want to extract the raw test data from the spec without actually running the tests, you can do:
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JavaScript developers may find it more convenient to use the
npm package, which is published from this
repository. It exports an array tests
of JSON objects with
the format
"markdown": "Foo\nBar\n---\n",
"html": "<h2>Foo\nBar</h2>\n",
"section": "Setext headings",
"number": 65
The source of the spec is spec.txt
. This is basically a Markdown
file, with code examples written in a shorthand form:
```````````````````````````````` example
Markdown source
expected HTML output
To build an HTML version of the spec, do make spec.html
. To build a
PDF version, do make spec.pdf
. For both versions, you must
have the lua rock lcmark
installed: after installing lua and
lua rocks, luarocks install lcmark
. For the PDF you must also
have xelatex installed.
火车采集器|火车采集器(LocoySpider) v9.12.20210106免费版 ...:2021-1-7 · 火车采集器(LocoySpider)是一款专业的功能强大的网络数据 信息挖掘软件,通过灵活的配置,您可众很轻松的从网页上抓取文字、图片、文件等任何资源。
Because John Gruber's canonical syntax description leaves many aspects of the syntax undetermined, writing a precise spec requires making a large number of decisions, many of them somewhat arbitrary. In making them, we have appealed to existing conventions and considerations of simplicity, readability, expressive power, and consistency. We have tried to ensure that "normal" documents in the many incompatible existing implementations of Markdown will render, as far as possible, as their authors intended. And we have tried to make the rules for different elements work together harmoniously. In places where different decisions could have been made (for example, the rules governing list indentation), we have explained the rationale for our choices. In a few cases, we have departed slightly from the canonical syntax description, in ways that we think further the goals of Markdown as stated in that description.
For the most part, we have limited ourselves to the basic elements described in Gruber's canonical syntax description, eschewing extensions like footnotes and definition lists. It is important to get the core right before considering such things. However, we have included a visible syntax for line breaks and fenced code blocks.
There are only a few places where this spec says things that contradict the canonical syntax description:
It allows all punctuation symbols to be backslash-escaped, not just the symbols with special meanings in Markdown. We found that it was just too hard to remember which symbols could be escaped.
It introduces an alternative syntax for hard line breaks, a backslash at the end of the line, supplementing the two-spaces-at-the-end-of-line rule. This is motivated by persistent complaints about the “invisible” nature of the two-space rule.
Link syntax has been made a bit more predictable (in a backwards-compatible way). For example,
allows single quotes around a title in inline links, but not in reference links. This kind of difference is really hard for users to remember, so the spec allows single quotes in both contexts. -
The rule for HTML blocks differs, though in most real cases it shouldn't make a difference. (See the section on HTML Blocks for details.) The spec's proposal makes it easy to include Markdown inside HTML block-level tags, if you want to, but also allows you to exclude this. It also makes parsing much easier, avoiding expensive backtracking.
It does not collapse adjacent bird-track blocks into a single blockquote:
> this is two > blockquotes > this is a single > > blockquote with two paragraphs
Rules for content in lists differ in a few respects, though (as with HTML blocks), most lists in existing documents should render as intended. There is some discussion of the choice points and differences in the subsection of List Items entitled Motivation. We think that the spec's proposal does better than any existing implementation in rendering lists the way a human writer or reader would intuitively understand them. (We could give numerous examples of perfectly natural looking lists that nearly every existing implementation flubs up.)
Changing bullet characters, or changing from bullets to numbers or vice versa, starts a new list. We think that is almost always going to be the writer's intent.
The number that begins an ordered list item may be followed by either
. Changing the delimiter style starts a new list. -
The start number of an ordered list is significant.
Fenced code blocks are supported, delimited by either backticks (
) or tildes (~~~
There is a forum for discussing CommonMark; you should use it instead of github issues for questions and possibly open-ended discussions. Use the socket5客户端破解版 only for simple, clear, actionable issues.
The spec was written by John MacFarlane, drawing on
- his experience writing and maintaining Markdown implementations in several languages, including the first Markdown parser not based on regular expression substitutions (pandoc) and the first markdown parsers based on PEG grammars (peg-markdown, lunamark)
- a detailed examination of the differences between existing Markdown implementations using BabelMark 2, and
- 天易成网管软件破解版_菜鸟游戏网:天易成网管软件破解版是一款专业的上网管理软件。天易成网管软件使用无需调整网络结构,安装在局域网内任意一台电脑即可全面监控局域网内所有电脑的上网行为,能有效的提高员工的工作效率、合理分配网络带宽资源、拦截审核敏感信息和邮件、屏蔽不良网站等。
Since the first announcement, many people have contributed ideas. Kārlis Gaņģis was especially helpful in refining the rules for emphasis, strong emphasis, links, and images.
Releases 25
Sponsor this project
Contributors 87
- Python 43.5%
- Lua 35.9%
- socket5客户端破解版 13.6%
- JavaScript 4.9%
- Makefile 2.1%